Field Service & Instrument Calibration

We provide hassle free on site instrument calibration, and in-house repairs for audiological equipment from all manufacturers. Our team of experienced Field Service Specialists can train you on all instruments we provide.
- Certified instrument calibration provided on site
- In house repair department
- Loaner equipment available
- Assistance with clinic layout and soundbooth placement/installation
- Training on all instruments we provide
Diagnostic Technical Support & Troubleshooting

If you're having a technical issue or need assistance, our team is ready to answer any questions you have.
Customer Service & ALD Support

Our bilingual Customer Service team are always ready and willing to assist with your ordering of consumables, accessories, and Assistive Listening Devices. We also offer support in helping you manage your Diatec account as well as technical support for your ALD devices..
- Bilingual support for all of Canadian customers
- Ordering assistance and online account setup
- ALD support for Diatec supplied brands like Silent Call, Clarity, Serene, Sennheiser and many more.
- Quick delivery times make ordering products fast and easy
Sales & Financing

Our professional sales team will give you honest advice and the confidence to make the right choices for your business. As experts on product portfolios, we will take the guess work out of which solutions are going to benefit you most. Contact us today for a free quote and financing options.