This new desiccant product contains a more aggressive sorbent with much greater moisture-adsorbing capacity, packaged in an attractive, molded, disposable container.
The packaging for this desiccant features a novel timer called Timestrip®. Once activated by the user, a thin red line lengthens each day, and when the timer window is completely red (2 months), the depleted package should be replaced with a newly-activated one. The Timestrip® has been custom-designed for temperature range of the Dry & Store® product line, making color-changing cards and crystals unnecessary.

  • Dry & Store® Desiccant Blocks are supplied 3 per package.
  • Desiccant life expectancy is two months, even under the most humid conditions.
  • Each desiccant block comes with an indicator label which changes color to indicate when to replace the block.

New revolutionary desiccant blocks for the Dry & Store® Hearing Aid Conditioning Systems. Cat.# 3558 & Cat.#3662

Part Number:: 1090002

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